SHOP AMLA Yoga Study Cheat Sheet 2022
SHOP AMLA Yoga Study Cheat Sheet – There are four classic branches of yoga known from ancient India this article outlines all four briefly.
SHOP AMLA Yoga Study Cheat Sheet. Yoga is more than just a series of Sun Salutations or movements to stretch the body. Yoga is a complicated philosophy that has ancient origins to several thousand years ago. As many of you know I dropped out of conventional society for 2 years and devoted myself to the practice of yoga study and after many request I have compiled yoga cheat sheet to point out some basics.
Four major systems of yoga were described in the Bhagavad Gita, an early Hindu religious text where God literally tells one of his devotees (named Arjuna) about the various paths towards liberation from the cycle of death, suffering, and re-death. The four valid means of liberation as described by Krishna, who reveals himself to be the all-encompassing Bhagavan, or God, in the text, are: 1.) Karma Yoga; 2.) Jnana Yoga; 3.) Raja Yoga; and 4.) Bhakti Yoga. Not one of these yogic systems involve bodily actions like those that can be found in modern yoga classes. Rather, these types of yoga attempt to operate in a philosophical and metaphysical realm where the yogi or yogini (male or female practitioner of yoga) seeks to purify her or his mind, body, and soul through various practices.
Raja Yoga, also known as Ashtanga Yoga, describes any physical exercises that can be beneficial to liberation. The association between physical exercise and yoga came about only during the 18th and 19th centuries when European colonizers, amazed by these philosophical systems of yoga, integrated these philosophies with their own vitality-inspiring calisthenics movements. That is not to say that modern hatha does not have its benefits: it does. However, the deep philosophical origins of modern yoga must be explored in-depth in order to provide modern yoga with context as to give the modern yogi or yogini the proper mindset for her or his practice.
The Karma Yoga system seeks altruism in every action. Since every action has a reaction in the form of good and bad karma, the cosmic scales of “good” and “bad” tend to tilt the balance in the unfavorable direction as all bad actions from all past lives constantly accumulate and weigh the soul down in unfortunate ways. Karma Yoga suggests that the yogi or yogini seek no fruit from any action and instead devote all action to a higher power in order to avoid unfortunate karmic retribution.
Jnana Yoga is literally “knowledge of the Absolute.” In other words, this philosophic dimension of yoga suggests that knowledge is ultimate power. The yogi or yogini learns about their cosmic condition and oneness with the Absolute through a series of lessons learned from a master. Once proper knowledge is attained, liberation soon follows.
Raja Yoga is an 8-limbed path of yoga as devised by Patanjali in the 2nd or 3rd century BCE. In the 8-limbs, the yogi undertakes a strict regimen. He or she regulates all bodily functions, all actions, and all mental meanderings in order to achieve liberation. One of these limbs is meditation and another is concentration. Together, these form what today we might call “meditation.”

Lastly, Bhakti Yoga is the yogic system which advocates the yogi or yogini to utterly love the divine. Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, claims that this is the preferred yogic system, although all of the others, too, are valid means of liberation. In Bhakti Yoga, the Bhakta, i.e., the devotee, chants the various names of the lord and commits every facet of her or his life to the Lord’s service.
SHOP AMLA Yoga Study Cheat Sheet -These four branches of Yoga are the classic branches. Today, there are many forms rooted in ancient methods. One of the most popular is Hot Yoga, also known as Bikram Yoga. In this kind of yoga, practitioners work out in a room that reaches temperatures over 100 degrees. This entire system of yoga is designed simply to burn calories and give the body a good stretch. However, that does not necessarily mean it is not beneficial in other ways. The founder of that type of yoga, Bikram, might say that practitioners get what they put into it. Nevertheless, attending just one of Hot Yoga session will instantly revitalize one’s body and mind since the exercises are not easy especially fast paced and in a room that deliberately tries to make the sweat pour out of the body.

“Steve Ross has explored the physical aspects of yoga as well as the philosophical and spiritual roots of yoga. He spent four years as a monk in the Vedic tradition, and since that time, he has ceaselessly sought out and reveled in the presence of some of the most notable masters of our time – in India and elsewhere.” Hit the link for more to Steve Ross Yoga.
Steve Ross has explored the physical aspects of yoga as well as the philosophical and spiritual roots of yoga. He spent four years as a monk in the Vedic tradition, and since that time, he has ceaselessly sought out and reveled in the presence of some of the most notable masters of our time – in India and elsewhere.” Hit the link above for more to Steve Ross Yoga.